Sunday, September 23, 2012


Wow!    The school year is in full swing and I haven't yet updated my blog. Time to do that now.

Wonder what we have been doing??

Drawing II class: students spent time learning about content and composition by first making a paper sculpture and then creating a pencil drawing illustrating their previous knowledge of shading and modeling. Pictures will be forthcoming, but right now the majority of their work is on display near the main office.

Digital Photography: Beginning with identifying the difference between a "snapshot" and a  "photograph" we moved on to review the Elements of Art. Mother nature cooperated and allowed us to venture outdoors to apply and solidify our working definitions of the Elements of Art. Photographs will be shared soon. Students also began using Google+ on their cell phones to allow easy uploading of photographs. As this class is attempting to use the best available technology, it is a work in-progress.

Studio Art: The first cycle, they were offered "hands-on" application of different drawing mediums. As we move through the year, their ability to create themed works of art will be enriched because of the time we are spending trying out art materials.

Elements of Art: Throughout the year each cycle will focus on a different Element of Art. This first cycle we have been working on the Element of Art~ Line. After spending time in class studying petroglyphs, students started creating their own using oil pastel resist. What is that? Students created a "scene" much like early civilizations did in their petroglyphs, of their everyday life using oil pastel. After finishing with oil pastel, they applied the "resist" part, which was a mixture of india ink and dish detergent. Why dish detergent? Not sure, but chemically it helps the black india ink adhere to the areas of their paper that was not covered in oil pastel. Although the india ink when applied completely covered their artwork, the next step was to take it to the sink and gingerly wash the ink off. What was left was the finished artwork, which was left to dry. Once dried, they will be ready for hanging. I plan on having one of the display cases filled with them for our upcoming Parent's Night.

Drawing I: Students began the cycle by trying out different shading techniques. Although we will predominately use shading and modeling for our artwork. After being introduced to vocabulary terms and our friend the view finder, students spent time drawing plastic fruit and other still-life materials. This first drawing project lets me evaluate students on their past knowledge and helps me modify lessons so that all students can reach their creative potential.

3-Dimensional Design: After studying the art work of Henry Moore, we spent several days sketching draped figures (student models). Students then began crafting armatures for their own sculptures using found and fabricated materials. The next step will be to apply plaster-of-paris gauze strips and for the larger pieces, paper mache.

Please stay tuned for more information and art work photographs!

All students should be getting a sketchbook and if they haven't done so, turn in that Art Contract.

Question and/or concerns: email me at

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Digital Photography students............

Over the next few days, go ahead and download the Google+ App. It's free. You will search for my profile, Paula Roswell, you will "follow" me for now. In the coming weeks, I will be setting up "circles". These circles, hopefully, will enable you to share your photography assignments with each other.

Can't get the Google+ app? How about a digital camera? See me for issues/concerns.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sketchbooks........Just a few examples......

Greetings Parents/Guardians~
While I was out and about today doing errands, I stopped at Michael's in Lisbon to see what sales and discounts were possible as I am asking students to obtain a sketchbook for class.
Every sunday, they along with A.C. Moore have 40% off any full priced item coupons in their flyers. You can also also obtain a coupon by going to either website. Sketchbooks are also available at Wal-Mart, The Job Lot, Rite-Aid, Big Lots and Staples.
I happened to hit a sale today,which ends Saturday September 8th, the two yellow ones were 50% off and the two black ones 40% off. I selected those based on my personal preferance of size and paper weight and I hope to fill them up with artwork this year!
What you obtain for your student is based on what is best for them and their situation and I do not require any specific type or brand. The most important thing is for them to obtain and use one.  
Any questions please contact me at

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Digital Photography Students

Homework assignment:

First- make sure you turn in your art room contract, it is a graded homework assignment. If we haven't met yet, don't worry, it's not due until Sept 11th
Second- whether you will be using a cell phone camera or a digital camera, the most important thing you should be doing now is taking photos!
Of what?- well school appropriate images of course, other than that, go out and have some fun!

Remember we want to be taking Photographs and not Snapshots!

Drawing II, Studio Art and 3-D Design Classes

Make sure you turn in your art room contracts, as this is a graded homework assignment!
Supplies you will need: Sketchbook
A sketchbook is a valuable tool used in any art class; whether we use it for daily sketchbook activities, project thumbnails or on sketchbook "play days".
Why type of Sketchbook do I need?
I recommend obtaining a sketchbook that is no larger than 11 x 14 inches. As anything bigger gets a little hard to haul around. It is your choice whether it is spiral bound or not. I have many different kinds of sketchbooks, so find the one that is right for you.
Where do I find them and how much money should I spend?
This questions also depends on your circumstances and preferences.
Sketchbooks can be found at Michaels Arts & Crafts, Staples, A.C. Moore, Wal-Mart and the Job Lot. You can expect prices to range from $5:00-$15.00, depending on where you shop.
Which one should I choose?
Ultimately that choice is up to you. However, I would suggest you feel the paper for texture and thickness, as the quality of your renderings will be influence by the paper weight.
Please feel free to email me at:


Welcome to Digital Photography Class!!!
We will be utilizing Google+ to capture, share and edit photographs
and for assignments and classwork.